- A plug-in 120 volt switch module controlled by a computerized timing circuit and a remote low voltage photocell eye.
- Designed to replace and enhance the combination plug-in timer and 120 volt photocell commonly installed in our landscape lighting transformers.
- Plug and go wiring. Requires no tools.
- Simply plug the PCM12 into your transformer and mount the photocell eye with 20’ cord in a sunlit area.
- Rotate the PCM12 knob to set transformer “on time” after dark. Set from 2 to 8 hours, or “dusk to dawn” operation.
- Complete installation and operating instructions attached to the module.
- Indestructible plug-in module with metal powder coated case.
- Fits new transformers and transformers already on the job.
- Miniature low voltage photocell eye with mounting bracket and 20’ cord – 2 pin plug supplied, no wiring or conduit required.
- On time settings of OFF, 2HRS, 4HRS, 6HRS, 8HRS, DUSK TO DAWN and DAY TEST.
- Microprocessor controlled photocell sensor with dark weather compensation. Module will not cycle prematurely in artificial or low sunlight conditions.
- Internal relay switches up to 2500 watts at 120 volts. Plugs into any 120 volt receptacle.
- Many applications outside of the landscape transformer including line voltage pool lights, porch lights, fountain pumps, interior and exterior security lights and seasonal lights. The PCM12 will switch any load within it’s power range.
- Made in USA.
- 3 year limited warranty.
Models and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice